55th PAM Bureau Meeting
55th PAM Bureau Meeting
Third PAM Economic Forum
Third PAM Economic Forum (Marrakech, Morocco)
Meeting of the Geopolitical Groups and 19th PAM Plenary Session
Meeting of the Geopolitical Groups and 19th PAM Plenary Session Italian Parliament
54th PAM Bureau Meeting
54th PAM Bureau Meeting Italian Parliament, Rome, Italy
High-level Parliamentary Side-event to the UN Summit of the Future
High-level Parliamentary Side-event to the UN Summit of the Future "Parliamentary Support for Creating an Environment of Trust to Strengthen Global Governance" PAM – PAM CGS and European Parliament, UNHQ, USA
2nd Session PAM Women Parliamentary Forum
2nd Session PAM Women Parliamentary Forum, TBC
53rd PAM Bureau Meeting
53rd PAM Bureau Meeting, Virtual
High level Visit to New York (TBC)
High level Visit to New York (TBC) United States
Signing of MoUs with Parliamentary Assemblies
Signing of MoUs with Parliamentary Assemblies UNOCT, Türkiye
PAM Electoral Mission to Serbia
PAM Electoral Mission to Serbia
51st PAM Bureau Meeting
51st PAM Bureau Meeting
II PAM Women Parliamentary Forum
II PAM Women Parliamentary Forum