PAM Midterm Report, January – June 2024
PAM Midterm Report, January – June 2024
PAM Midterm Report January-June 2023
In the first months of 2023, during the reporting period, PAM continued its rigorous work and activities within the work of its three Standing Committees; the 1st on Political and Security-related Cooperation, the 2nd on Economic, Social and Environmental Cooperation and the 3rd on Dialogue among Civilizations and Human Rights.
Midterm Report January-June 2022
In the first months of 2022, during the reporting period, PAM continued its rigorous work and activities within the work of its three Standing Committees; the 1st on Political and Security-related Cooperation, the 2nd on Economic, Social and Environmental Cooperation and the 3rd on Dialogue among Civilizations and Human Rights.
Pam Mid-Term Report 2021
In the first five months of 2021, during the reporting period, PAM continued its rigorous work and activities within the work of its three Standing Committees; the 1st on Political and Security-related Cooperation, the 2nd on Economic, Social and Environmental Cooperation and the 3rd on Dialogue among Civilizations and Human Rights. This came despite the challenges imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic and its related repercussions, which led PAM management to adapt its working methods accordingly.
PAM Mid-Term Report 2020
In the first half of 2020, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean continued to focus on pressing issues for the Euro-Mediterranean region, while simultaneously adapting its priorities and modus operandi due to the COVID 19 pandemic.
PAM Mid-Term Report 2019
In the first half of 2019, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean has focused its efforts on those strategic issues that are most pressing for the EuroMediterranean region, including political dialogue, security, environment, economic growth, human rights, and mass migrations, among other topics.
PAM Mid-Term Report 2018
During the first semester of 2018, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean has performed very effectively focusing on those priority issues identified by its strategic plan of action and at the Plenary Session in Bucharest.
During this period, PAM’s parliamentary diplomacy efforts focused on political dialogue, confidence building, peace efforts, human rights and socio-economic growth throughout the Euro-Mediterranean region, with particular emphasis in the Middle East, North Africa and the Balkans.
PAM Mid-Term Report 2017
During the first 10 months of 2017, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean has performed extremely well, focusing its actions on the priority themes identified at its Bureau meetings in Rome and Porto, and subsequently validated at the Plenary Session in Portugal.
PAM’s Parliamentary diplomacy tools and standing were used, in 2017, to support political dialogue, confidence building and peace efforts throughout the region, with particular emphasis in the Middle East and North Africa.
PAM Mid-Term Report 2015
On the eve of the summer recess 2015, I have the pleasure to share with all national delegations a brief overview of the activities of the Assembly in the first six months of the year. It is a very concise exercise to keep you abreast of the work accomplished by the Assembly, the Bureau, the Standing Committees and the Secretariat. The second half of 2015 will continue to see PAM active with the organization of selected events and the participation at international conferences, the details of which are available in the attached updated PAM Calendar of Events 2015 (attached for easy reference).
PAM Mid-Term Report 2014
On the eve of the summer recess 2014, I have the pleasure to share with all national delegations a brief overview of the activities of the Assembly in the first six months of the year. It is a very concise exercise to keep you abreast of the work accomplished by the Assembly, the Bureau, the Standing Committees and the Secretariat. It also anticipates the PAM commitments for the second half of 2014 that will continue to see PAM involved in a series of own events and international conferences, the details of which have already been circulated in the latest copy of the updated PAM Calendar of Events.