Step-by-Step Guide: How to Apply for PAM Laissez-Passer
“Step-by-Step Guide: How to Apply for PAM Laissez-Passer”
Twenty-third Session of the Assembly of States Parties to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC) – Video Message by Hon. Andreas Pasiourtides, Head of the Cypriot Delegation to PAM
Twenty-third Session of the Assembly of States Parties to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC) – Video Message by Hon. Andreas Pasiourtides, Head of the Cypriot Delegation to PAM
PAM President addresses COP 29

20 November 2024, Baku, Azerbaijan – The President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean, Hon. Enaam Mayara (Morocco), addressed the High-Level Segment (HLS) of the 2024 UN Climate Change Conference (COP 29). PAM was the only International Parliament to address HLS on this occasion.
PAM contributes to the UNSC/CTED Briefing on Counter-terrorism Efforts in South-East Europe

28 February 2024, New York, United States – Hon. Rita Theodorou Superman (Cyprus), PAM Rapporteur on Counter-terrorism, contributed to the discussions of the first-ever regional open briefing on counter-terrorism efforts in South-East Europe, organized by the UN Security Council (UNSC) Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate (CTED), at the UNHQ in New York, with the participation of […]
The Constitutive Session of the Marrakesh Economic Parliamentary Forum 08-12-2022
The Constitutive Session of the Marrakesh Economic Parliamentary Forum 08-12-2022
On the occasion of the International Day of Parliamentarism
The Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE PA), the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM) and the United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT), organized a joint Web Dialogue to take stock of the latest terrorism and violent extremism trends and recognize the important role of parliamentarians to contribute to […]