Energy, a motor for regional development, security and stability – PAM delegation meets MEDREG Steering Committee Members and EBRD



ISSUED ON: 17/10/2014

A High level meeting was held on 10 October 2014 at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM) Headquarters in Malta between a delegation from the Association of Mediterranean Energy Regulators (MEDREG), and the PAM Secretary General Amb. Sergio Piazzi, accompanied by Eng. Alessandro Ortis, Co-Chair of the PAM Panel on Trade and Investments in the Mediterranean.

The MEDREG Delegation consisted of the three vice-Presidents of the Steering Committee ( Egypt, Italy and Turkey), the President of the Malta Regulatory Agency and the Associations Secretary General. This meeting was part of the regular consultation process aimed at ensuring a coordinated approach between national regulators and MPs from the Mediterranean region.

At the meeting, it was agreed that PAM and MEDREG will focus future action on maintaining energy on the agenda of the main regional public institutions, such as the European Union, the International Energy Agency, OECD, the UN and the International Financial Institutions (IFIs), as well as strengthening interaction with specialised European institutions. This strategy is considered necessary as a result of the high number of players in the energy sector in the Euro-Mediterranean region, which is resulting in overlapping initiatives. For this reason, the two organisations will work with the stakeholders that can concretely contribute to the effectiveness of cooperation and to the establishment of a Mediterranean Energy Community. The participants agreed to further support cooperation with the Association of the Mediterranean Transmission Systems Operators (Med-TSO) for electricity, and to work together at the establishment of a similar body in the gas sector. The need to further integrate markets and production, will be particularly underlined at the forthcoming European Ministerial Meeting on Energy, to be held in Rome on 19 November 2014, where PAM will be chairing the sessions on this topic.

With regards to Energy, a meeting of the PAM Panel Energy Group, dedicated to regulation, regulatory authorities and investments in this sector, will be organised in the first quarter of 2015 in Morocco, to which EBRD will be invited to participate and contribute alongside all major regional stakeholders.


The meeting in Malta was followed by bilateral consultations with the EBRD in London on 13 October 2014, where the EBRD Managing Director and the PAM Secretary General discussed strengthened cooperation in the Southern Mediterranean and preparations for the Ministerial Meeting.