Institutional framework in the energy sector necessary for legislative compatibility in the Euro-Mediterranean parliaments – HM Mohammed VI, King of Morocco at PAM Conference – Ouarzazate, Morocco on 14-15 September 2012



ISSUED ON: 14/09/2012

More than 200 delegates are taking part and include parliamentarians,Association of Mediterranean Regulators for Electricity and Gas (MEDREG), the Association of the Mediterranean Transport System Operators (Med-TSO) and the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA).

HM Mohammed VI, called for the setting up of a Euro-Mediterranean energy community in order to achieve an environmental balance through the good governance of a sustainable energy development in respect of the environmental protection requirements.

The three Round Table Sessions were dedicated to Renewable energy and energy Efficiency in the Mediterranean Region; Technical and Industrial Challenges; the Role of National and Regional parliaments and International Organisations in support of ongoing and future initiatives- the need for a coherent approach.

On the last day of the Meeting, the participants will also receive an on-site briefing on the implementation of the a first concrete step in the Euro-Mediterranean Solar Energy Plan.