Sen. Mohammad Halaiqah (Jordan),Vice-President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean and President of the 1st Standing Committee on Political and Security related Cooperation, highlighted the role of parliamentary diplomacy and specifically that of PAM, in advancing further the difficult process leading to the solution of the future of Jerusalem and the Palestinian -Israeli conflict in general. Sen. Halaiqah was speaking on the occasion of the International Meeting on the Question of Jerusalem, organised by the UN Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People, jointly with the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and the Government of the Republic of Turkey, in Ankara on 12-13 May, 2014.
The objective of the Meeting was to raise awareness of the international community for the significance of a just solution of the question of Jerusalem for resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and for achieving peace in the Middle East. The Meeting also looked at the status of Jerusalem from a religious and legal perspective.
Sen. Halaiqah said that today the region is passing through very difficult times, and to add to the political dilemmas of the region, failure of negotiations between Palestinians and Israelis is yet another challenge. “Jerusalem has always been, and will continue to be, at the centre of the Palestine Question. By failing to resolve this issue, future negotiations between the two parties will inevitably fail”, Sen. Halaiqah added.
PAM has always been committed to contribute to the Palestinian cause. There is a special Ad Hoc Group in PAM, within the mandate of the 1st Standing Committee on Politics and Security matters, that deals with this issue.
Sen. Halaiqah recalled that PAM’s 1st Standing Committee dedicates particular attention to the plight of Palestinians and to the question of Jerusalem itself. PAM strives to play a constructive role, by supporting and recognizing the idea that the two-state solution is the best viable solution. This is in the interest of both parties, the region and the entire world. The PAM Vice-President continued that there will be no real security for any of the region’s states until the Arab-Israeli peace process is successful, adding that in this context it must be admitted that the Syrian crisis poses a great challenge to the security around the Mediterranean.
With reference to PAM’s diplomatic missions, Sen. Halaiqah said that a few weeks ago, in Moscow, both the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and the two branches of the Parliament, have requested PAM to mobilize all its tools to ensure that a door for dialogue between the parties is kept open, while the Quartet develops an alternative tool for negotiations, should the direct talks fail. “We are ready to play this role to pursue the ideal of peace in the region”, the PAM Vice-President stated.
As indicated by the UN Secretary General, H.E. Ban Ki-moon, it is crucial for PAM to promote dialogue, mutual understanding and peaceful coexistence in the Mediterranean. Parliamentarians of the region have to shoulder their responsibility and encourage the idea that achieving peace is possible. The pivotal role of the Assembly, and all the international community, is to build mutual trust and confidence between the two sides.
Sen. Halaiqah concluded by emphasizing that PAM is fully aware of the importance of Jerusalem, and that any violent event in the city has the potential to spill beyond the boundaries of Israel and Palestine. For this reason, its future should not be unilaterally decided by any party or organization. This would result only in violence and further distancing of peace.
PAM remains committed to the Middle East and will continue to direct its energies, and Parliamentary network, towards assisting the efforts of the international community, of the Committee, and of all those politicians of good will aiming at achieving real peace in the region.