The Secretary General of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM), Dr. Sergio
Piazzi, had a cordial meeting in Cairo, Egypt, with the Secretary General of the League of Arab
States, Dr. Amr Moussa. The meeting, held at the Headquarters of the League, is one of a series that
PAM is having with Regional and International Organizations as well as with parliamentary
representatives from non-PAM countries in order to strengthen cooperative ties and give further
visibility to the work done by Mediterranean MPs.
Dr. Moussa and Dr. Piazzi discussed PAM’s goals and outreach, and the vital role that the League of
Arab States plays in the Mediterranean, ways towards closer cooperation between the organizations
in the region, as well as matters of common interest such as inter-cultural dialogue and the role of
civil society. PAM Secretary General also invited Dr. Amr Moussa to meet the members of PAM’s
Bureau while in Cairo at the beginning of their visit throughout the Middle East in mid May.
Furthermore, Dr. Piazzi extended an invitation for the Secretary General to attend PAM’s 4th
Plenary Session, to be held in Istanbul, Turkey later this year. At the conclusion of the meeting, the
two Secretaries General agreed to begin procedures to formally exchange “Observer Status”
between the two regional organizations. Both agreed that knowledge of each others’ activities and
initiatives for the region would be beneficial in the achievement of peace in the Mediterranean.