Mediterranean Day 2015

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean has declared March 21 of each year as the Mediterranean Day.

The Assembly wishes to dedicate the Mediterranean Day 2015 to all the victims of terrorism, which is threatening in an unprecedented surge, peace, stability and security in the region.

The countries, of the Euro-Mediterranean area, are experiencing a period of uncertainty. The citizens expect from their elected political representatives and leaders more tangible efforts and concrete solutions to safeguard both their lives and the liberties achieved, on both sides of the Mediterranean.

Terrorism, in recent months, has not only caused death and physical harm on innocent people, but has also had a psychological impact, which is as terrifying and dramatic as the terrorist attacks themselves.

On the occasion of the Mediterranean Day 2015, PAM wishes to draw the attention of parliaments to their legislative role, and to continue working, nationally and regionally, in a concerted effort, to guarantee the highest level of security within the respect of the rule of law, through all the necessary empowerment and mechanisms required by the judicial, police and security services.
The Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean will continue its advocacy action among its Member States, recalling the fact that during 2015, in collaboration with the UN, the EU and other regional and international organizations, a series of events specifically dedicated to terrorism, will be organized.


Malta, 21 March 2015