The Parliamentary Union of the Organization of the Islamic Conference Member States, the Mediterranean Working Group on Electricity and Gas (MEDREG), and Fondazione Mediterraneo have requested to be granted Observer Status to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean. This comes shortly after the Romanian Parliament put forward a similar request for Associate Member status. These requests were presented before the Bureau at their meeting in Rabat, Morocco in early October.
In accordance with PAM Statutes, proposals are first sent to PAM’s Secretariat in Malta, which transmits them to the members of the Bureau for their opinion. These requests are then put forward to the Assembly, where the final decision is made. Associate Members and Observers may participate in PAM activities, where they may take the floor with the permission of the President, however, they have no voting rights.
The Plenary Session of PAM will be held in the Principality of Monaco between the 13 and 15 of November. Over 180 delegates from PAM Member States and international organizations will be present. The proceedings will be opened by H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco, followed by a message from the Secretary General of the United Nations, Mr. Ban ki-Moon.