The Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM) is convening its 14th Plenary Session in Athens, Greece, today 20 and tomorrow 21 February 2020. The PAM Plenary is generously hosted by the Hellenic Parliament.
The over 240 delegates will be welcomed by H.E. Hon. Costantine An. Tassoulas, President of the Hellenic Parliament and Sen. Dr. Alia Bouran (Jordan), PAM President.
At the opening, following a message by the United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres, delegates will be briefed, among others, by the President of the Arab Inter-Parliamentary Union, the Assistant Secretary-General of the League of Arab States and by the Special Representative of the Director General of the World Health Organization.
During the Plenary Session, PAM parliamentarians will review the reports and vote the resolutions on the critical issues of concern, for the Euro-Mediterranean and Gulf areas, inter alia, the evolving threat by ISIS terrorists, the peace process in the Middle East, the national reconciliation process in Libya, the situation in North-Eastern Syria, the economic integration in the region, the challenges related to climate change following COP25, mass migrations and the promotion of Human Rights.
To enrich the debate, policymakers from Greece, the international community and private sector will also attend the meeting and contribute with their experiences.