PAM addresses Parliamentary Assembly of the Union for the Mediterranean



ISSUED ON: 25/03/2012

Hon. Chaoui Belassal, member of the Moroccan delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM), represented PAM at the 8th Plenary Session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union for the Mediterranean (PA-UfM), held in Rabat on 23-25 March 2012.

In his intervention in the General Debate, on behalf of the PAM President, H.E. Senator Dr. Fayez Al-Tarawneh (Jordan), Hon. Belassal underlined that the participation of PAM to the Plenary session represents a great opportunity to strengthen the synergies of the initiatives of the two Assemblies, aimed at responding to the emerging challenges in the Mediterranean region.

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean has played an important role during the Arab Spring and had immediately mobilized its dedicated network of parliamentarians to support those democratic aspirations expressed in the South of the Mediterranean, in close collaboration with the Secretary-General of the United Nations and the League of Arab States.

PAM will continue to work with determination in order to facilitate the constitutional and legislative reforms, under the leadership of PAM President, elected at the sixth Plenary Session in Palermo last October”, Hon. Belassal said.

In his intervention, the PAM parliamentarian also referred to the setting up of an effective operational structure, the PAM Panel on External Trade and Investments in the Mediterranean, providing tailor made solutions to key sectoral challenges in the Mediterranean region, particularly in the economic, social and environmental areas. For 2012, the priority areas of PAM, endorsed at its last Plenary Session, are Employment, Energy, Food Security, Education and Youth, Trade Facilitation, support to SMEs and Finance.

Hon. Belassal concluded by expressing the Assemblys wish to further develop the excellent relations of cooperation with the UfM and its Parliamentary dimension, with which the same fundamental principles are shared, to strengthen the decisive action for the good of the Mediterranean peoples in this crucial period. We are confident the Observer status between our Assemblies, will continue to develop and strengthen our complementarity, also thanks to the vision of the newly elected UfM-PA President, H.E. Martin Schultz”, Hon. Belassal said.