PAM and UN cooperation on counter terrorism measures in the Maghreb region



ISSUED ON: 19/09/2014

A High-level delegation from the UN Counter Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate (CTED) of New York and the UN Terrorism Prevention Branch Division for Treaty Affairs of Vienna, paid a visit to the Secretary General of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean in Malta, for talks on further cooperation between the UN and PAM.

In view of the excellent and longstanding relations between PAM with the UN Security Council and other relevant UN specialized bodies, the delegation requested the assistance of PAM to work together on the implementation of national and regional legislative aspects of international Counter Terrorism initiatives, including those related to resolutions being considered by the UN Security Council under Chapter 7 of the UN Charter, and also jointly organize, in early 2015, a regional seminar dedicated to PAM Parliamentarians from the Maghreb region. The event would be part of the EU/UNODC/CTED Programme on Supporting rule-of-law-compliant investigations and prosecutions in the Maghreb region.

The purpose of the seminar will be to exchange information and good practices among parliamentarians on the role they play, and could play, in overseeing national agencies dedicated to security services and law enforcement, in order to verify and secure the correct use of their powers, as well as to raise their awareness to the importance of this parliamentary oversight for the safeguard of human rights and rule of law.

The meeting held with PAM Secretary General, Amb. Sergio Piazzi, falls within the framework of the forthcoming high level mission to New York and Washington, lead by PAM President Sen. Francesco Amoruso, on the occasion of the 69th UN General Assembly.

In New York, PAM parliamentarians will hold a series of bilateral talks with, among others, the Chair of the UN Security Council Counter Terrorism Committee and the Executive Officer of the CTED. Discussions on the same topics will also take place in Washington DC with senior officials next week.