PAM and UNESCO meeting to discuss the establishment of the regional science policy forum



ISSUED ON: 07/11/2010

UNESCO and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM) are jointly organising the Inter-Parliamentary Forum of Science, Technology and Innovation for the Mediterranean region, to be held at the UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, on 9-10 November 2010.

The forum will discuss the need for closer co-operation between science policy-makers, scientists, parliamentarians, journalists, industry (public and private) and civil society at the Mediterranean regional level, as well as the establishment of a regional science policy forum with the objectives of exchanging experiences of, and information on, science, technology and innovation policy-making, supporting the strengthening of the capacity of parliamentary science and related committees. Successful case studies of parliamentary activity having benefited from scientific input will be highlighted during the 2-day meeting.

This meeting will be the first of a series of regular meetings, as PAM and UNESCO are in the process of establishing an official partnership. This meeting falls under the activities of the 3rd Standing Committee on Inter-cultural Dialogue & Human Rights for 2011.

On this occasion there will also be the official launch of the UNESCO Science Report 2010.

The Forum will be addressed, among others, by Hon. Rudy Salles, PAM Honorary President (France), Dr. Sergio Piazzi, PAM Secretary-General, Dr. Faiq Bilal, Director of Science Directorate, ISESCO, Dr. Moneef R. Zou’bi, Director General, Islamic Academy of Sciences (IAS), Pr. André Capron, President of Inter-Academic Group for Development (GID), Dr. Luigi Amodio, General Director, Fondazione IDIS-Città della Scienza, Mrs Nadia El-Awady President, World Federation of Science Journalists, Cairo, Egypt, M. Christian Blondin, Director. External Relations, World Meteorological Organization (WMO), Dr. Maurizio Bona, Advisor to the Director General in charge of relations with international organisations, European Organisation for Nuclear research (CERN), Sen. Jacques Blanc, PAM Rapporteur on Water (France), Dr. Alice Aureli, UNESCO, International Hydrological Programme (IHP), Hon. Askin Asan, (Turkey), President of PAMs 3rd Standing Committee on Dialogue among Civilisations & Human Rights, Rapporteur on Terrorism/Gender (Turkey), Mrs Lidia Brito / Mrs Diana Malpede. Mrs Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO, Authors of selected chapters of the UNESCO Science Report 2010.

Representatives from PAM parliaments will also share their own national experience of drafting legislation with scientific content.