On 9 June 2021, PAM was appointed as a new member of the Mediterranean Commission on Sustainable Development (MCSD) Steering Committee. The decision came in recognition of PAM’s active role in assisting national Parliaments across the Euro Mediterranean region in promoting sustainable development, climate action, and environmental protection.
On the same occasion, the members of the MCSD also decided to extend PAM’s mandate as representative of the parliamentary dimension within the Commission. This was made possible by the outstanding engagement of the Assembly in bringing the voice of parliamentarians in this important multistakeholder body, supporting Member States in the integration of the principles and the objectives of the Barcelona Convention and its protocols in their national legislative frameworks.
With this fresh appointment and renewed mandate, PAM reaffirms its role as a key player in the green renaissance of the Euro-Mediterranean and Gulf regions. In close cooperation with its strategic partners, including the members of the MCSD and the UN Environment Programme / Mediterranean Action Plan, the Assembly reiterates its commitments towards creating a solid science-policy interface for a post-pandemic socio-economic recovery that places environmental sustainability on top of the regional political agenda.