PAM Awards

Excellence in the Mediterranean

“To reward individuals, organisations and institutions who have demonstrated through their work strong and visible commitment, outstanding achievement and active promotion of PAM ideals in the Euro-Mediterranean and Gulf regions, as envisioned by the Statutes and mission statement of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean”

The Awards

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean will offer every year Awards to personalities from the political, economic, social, cultural, scientific, sport, journalism and artistic community, who contribute through their action to establish bridges among the peoples of the region so as to foster understanding, mutual respect, socio-economic cooperation, political dialogue, confidence building and conflict solution.


Participation is open to any individual, institution and organization (including non-profit entities) in any of the countries of the Euro-Mediterranean and Gulf regions, and beyond.

Submission of nominees

Completed application forms are to be addressed to the relevant national PAM parliamentary Delegation or directly to the PAM Secretariat.

The PAM Award selection process

The selection process begins at the national level, whereby the parliamentary Delegation of PAM receives applications from those individuals, institutions or organisations that are interested in the PAM Award and then, in cooperation with the concerned parliamentary committees (e.g. culture, youth, sports, foreign affairs, university and scientific research, etc), evaluates the applications it receives. The applications that are retained are then transmitted, with recommendations, to the PAM Secretariat in San Marino.
The second step of the process occurs within the 3rd Standing Committee of the PAM, where a special group will choose, from the candidatures received, the recipients of the PAM Award. Applications can also be forwarded to the PAM Secretariat for registration.

For further Information contact:

The PAM Secretariat
[email protected]


List of PAM Prize Awardees- till 2024

EN form

FR form