On 29 October 2020, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM) contributed to the 4th OSCE-wide Seminar on Passenger Data Exchange, held in a virtual format, and co-organized by the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) and the United Nations Office of Counterterrorism (UNOCT).
The event was held to support States in implementing UN Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 2396, which is focused on addressing the challenge of returning and relocating foreign terrorist fighters (FTFs) and particularly on the implementation of Advance Passenger Information (API) and Passenger Name Records Systems.
On this occasion, PAM was represented by Hon. Gennaro Migliore, Chair of the PAM Parliamentary Committee on Terrorism, who brought the legislative perspective to the discussion.
Hon. Migliore highlighted several legislative good practices identified by PAM through its work with key partners including the UN and OSCE PA.
In particular, Hon. Migliore stressed that effective legislation must address key elements such as data collection, which agencies have access to data for analysis, time limits on data retention, and necessary safeguards to ensure data protection as well as passenger rights.
He also highlighted that the Parliamentary oversight of API/PNR implementation is important, and it is a good practice for competent authorities to report to national parliaments through periodic audits.
Lastly, Hon. Migliore called for Parliaments to work on comprehensive legislation packages rather than single decrees or amendments to existing laws, as well as on further harmonizing national legislation vis-a-vis international standards.
He further stressed that Parliaments have a duty to approve the allocation of the necessary resources for the effective implementation of API/PNR systems.
At the last PAM Plenary Session, the Assembly adopted a new resolution on counterterrorism, which specifically calls on implementing the provisions of UN Security Council Resolution 2396 related to API/PNR systems, to strengthen border security and counterterrorism.
PAM participation in the event comes in the context of the work of its Special Committee on Counterterrorism, and the excellent working partnership PAM enjoys with the OSCE and UNOCT on counterterrorism matters.