ISSUED ON: 26/04/2012

The Grand National Assembly of Turkey will host the 20th Bureau Meeting and the three Standing Committees Special Task Forces of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean. The event will be held in Ankara on 29-30 April, 2012.

The Bureau, under the presidency of H.E. Senator Dr. Fayez Al-Tarawneh (Jordan), will discuss the PAM activities during the first quarter of 2012 and will consolidate and update the PAM agenda for the coming months. PAM is constantly active through its network of parliamentary diplomacy to react promptly to events in the Mediterranean region and is continuously strengthening its complementarity role with the UN and other international organizations, in the political, economic and social fields, while at the same time supporting initiatives and actions aimed at securing stability and peace in the Mediterranean”, the PAM President Al-Tarawneh said.

The opening session of the Standing Committees meeting will be addressed by the Turkish Foreign Affairs Minister, H.E. Ahmet Davutoğlu, and the Speaker of the Turkish Parliament H.E. Cemil Cicek. Other keynote speakers will include H.E. Mehmet Şimşek, Minister of Finance, Turkey, H.E. Mohamed El-Fateh El-Naserey, Head of the League of Arab States Mission to Turkey, Mr. Abdul Haq Amiri, Head of Regional Office for the Middle East and North Africa, UN OCHA, Mr. Murat Yalçintas, President of the Association of the Mediterranean Chambers of Commerce and Industry (ASCAME), and Prof. Adriana Luciano, Department of Social Sciences, University of Turin (Italy).

The Standing Committees will debate the draft Reports and Resolutions that the PAM 6th Plenary Session in Palermo, Italy (October 2011), had entrusted to the Special Task Forces and the Rapporteurs. The documents will be submitted for adoption at the 7th PAM Plenary Session to be held in Malta on 11-13 October, 2012.

The topics for this year are:

1st Standing Committee on Political Cooperation and Security chaired by Hon. Abdelwahad Radi, IPU President, PAM Vice-President and President of the PAM 1st Standing Committee (Morocco)

– Ad hoc Committee on the Middle East and Reform in the Arab World –

– Special Task Force on Organized Crime: The impact of organized crime on environment”

2nd Standing Committee on Economic, social and environmental cooperation & Developmentchaired by Sen. Gilbert Roger (France)

– Special Task Force on Environment and Climate Change: The Mediterranean environment in jeopardy: a call for urgent action

– Report on the activities of the PAM Panel on External Trade and Investments in the Mediterranean in 2012

– Update on PAM activities on Energy, Finance and Food Security

3rd Standing Committee on Dialogue among Cultures and Civilizations & Human Rightschaired by Hon. Tevfik Ziyaeddin Akbulut (Turkey), Head of delegation to PAMand President of the PAM 3rd Standing Committee

– Unemployment and Job Creation in the Mediterranean – priorities and strategies

– Report on the role of Education in addressing sustainable development

During the first months of the year, PAM has been particularly engaged on the international platform and has contributed, from the parliamentary perspective, to important events, among which, the 5+5 Dialogue of Foreign Ministers Meeting in Rome, and the NATO Parliamentary Assembly- Mediterranean Group, in Marseilles. PAMs voice, the voice of the citizens, is present and listened to at all major political, economic and social regional and international events, thus underlining the role of the highest institutions representing the peoples of the Mediterranean region”, PAM Secretary General, Amb. Sergio Piazzi said.