PAM committed to develop further its structured strategic partnership with the NATO PA



ISSUED ON: 10/04/2012

The President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM), H.E. Dr. Fayez Al Tarawneh (Jordan) this morning addressed the opening session of the Joint 79th Rose-Roth and Special Mediterranean Group Seminar – Political and Economic transition in the Maghreb, Machrek and Persian Gulf Countries, being held in Marseilles, France, between 11-13 April 2012.

PAM is represented at the Seminar by President Al Tarawneh and Secretary General, Amb. Sergio Piazzi.

In his intervention, President Tarawneh stressed how PAM is committed and fully mobilized to promote in the Mediterranean the shared values of individual liberty, democracy, human rights and the rule of law, as reiterated by NATO at the Lisbon Summit in November 2010.

The PAM President also referred to the cooperation between the NATO Parliamentary Assembly and PAM, stating that the latter also regards itself as a complementary tool to traditional diplomacy. This collaboration has allowed to strengthen PAMs actions and to establish vital bridges to overcome obstacles to dialogue and freedom in the MENA region.

Please be ensured that PAM is fully committed to develop further its structured strategic partnership with the NATO PA and parliamentarians that we perceive as key partners in our mission to promote and achieve stability and security in the Mediterranean”, PAM President added.

With reference to the latest developments in the Middle East, Dr. Tarawneh said that PAM was among the regional organizations participating at the Syria Humanitarian Forum held in Geneva on 8 March 2012, under the auspices of the United Nations Emergency Relief Coordinator (ERC). PAM reiterated its full readiness to support the implementation of the humanitarian efforts and political dialogue in Syria. To this effect PAM Secretary General is in contact with Kofi Anna, the Joint Special Envoy of the UN-LAS on the Syrian crisis, the President of the Parliament of Lebanon and that of Syria, as well as the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, to facilitate dialogue.

The Mediterranean is going through a crucial period and the discussion in Marseilles can certainly help to make important steps forward”, Dr. Tarawneh concluded.