On 8 December 2022, the 2nd day of the Constitutive Session of the Marrakesh PAM Economic Parliamentary Forum (Morocco) was an opportunity to reaffirm the importance of regional cooperation in addressing food insecurity, the digital divide, sustainable tourism and women and youth empowerment strategies. The 300 delegates from the Euro-Mediterranean and Gulf regions, and beyond, agreed on the absolute need to meet regularly to take stock of progress achieved towards closer regional economic integration and the establishment of a Euro-Mediterranean and Gulf Energy Community.
Following on the debates of the first day on economic integration and cooperation in the energy sector, the 3rd Plenary Session addressed the issue of “Food insecurity: the Euro-Med and GCC Regions – what role for Governments, the Private Sector, Trade, and Investments?” The debate was moderated by the Fourth Deputy Speaker of the House of Councilors of the Kingdom of Morocco Mr. Mehdi Atmoun.
Several speakers intervened during the meeting, among which: the Secretary General of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Rural Development and Water and Forests of Morocco, Mr. Redouan Arrach; the Chief Corporate Sustainability office of the Cherifian Office of Phosphates Mrs. Hanane Mourchid; the Vice-Minister for Agriculture and Fishery of Uruguay, Mr. Juan Ignacio Buffa Cavallero; the FAO Representative in Morocco Dr. Jean Senahoun; the President of the Confederation of Chambers of Agriculture of Morocco Mr. Lahbib Bentaleb; the Director of the Agriculture Division at WTO Dr. Edwini Kessie; the Senior Agriculture Specialist at World Bank, Mr. Remi Trier; the Vice-President of Comader Mr. Rachid Benali; the Director of Food Bank in Albania Ms. Rovena Demaj; and the CEO of Galidi Ltd Mr. Ofer Berzak (Israel).
The participants discussed structural and political triggers to food insecurity, including the over-reliance of the region on food import, the adverse impact of climate change on food production, and the impact Russian invasion of Ukraine on the global cereals market.
Successively, the President of the PAM Women Parliamentary Forum, Hon. Joana Lima (Portugal), moderated together with the WPF Vice President Hon. Maryam Majid Bin Theneya (UAE), the Fourth Plenary Session on “Fighting Inequalities: regional and international solutions for empowering women and youth”.
During the meeting, the following guest speakers contributed to the debate: Hon. Maryam Majid Bin Theneya; the Secretary General of the Ministry of Youth, Culture and Communication Mr. Mustapha Messaoud; Mr. Abdelahad Benhallam on behalf of the Minister of Solidarity, Social Inclusion and Family Ms. Selma Tazi; the Regional lead Economist & Inclusive Growth and Sustainable Finance Team Leader at UNDP Dr. Vito Intini; the Chair of the Current Affairs Committee of the Congress of Regional and Local Authorities at the Council of Europe Mr. Thomas Andersson; the Chairman of the DIHAD and PAM Roving Ambassador for the GCC Region Amb. Dr. Abdul Salam Al Madani; and the representative of UN Women Morocco, Ms. Sofie Lambert.
Investing in education and vocational training through gender sensitive budgeting, was outlined as an essential measure to foster women and youth empowerment and reduce regional inequalities.
The 5th Plenary Session focused on “Overcoming Bottlenecks and the Digital Divide: How can Logistics, AI, Trade and Investment facilitation measures contribute” and was moderated by the Co-Chair of the PAM Panel on Trade and Investment, Hon. Giulio Centemero (Italy).
Among the main speakers were the PAM Rapporteur on Digitalization Hon. Ray Abela (Malta); the Vice-President of the General Confederation of Moroccan Enterprises M. Mohamed Talal; Dr Abdul Rehman from the ICESCO, and the President of the Harmonic Innovation Group Mr. Carmine Bruno.
The session outlined the need to promote social and digital inclusivity and secure a digital future for all in the regions. PIt was highlighted that Parliamentary Diplomacycan be instrumental in creating a regulatory framework and in evaluating and implementing new policies in the field of digitalisation, while fostering trade and investments facilitation measures to overcome infrastructural bottlenecks and Global Value Chains disruptions.
The 6th and last Plenary Session discussed the “Best and more Sustainable Practices to Relaunch the Tourism Sector”. The debate was moderated by the Chair of the PAM Panel on Sustainable Tourism Hon. Dragan Krapovic (Montenegro).
Among the main speakers were the Head of Department of Cooperation of the Ministry of Tourism, Handicrafts and Social and Solidarity Economy (Morocco) Mr. Omar Dinia, and PAM President Emeritus Hon. Abou El Enein (Egypt).
Tourism was recognized, including through informal jobs, as a fundamental source of income for national economies in the Euro-Mediterranean and Gulf regions, but also a very resource-absorbing sector. For this reason, it was overall agreed that the industry should embrace more sustainable practices to preserve the environment and the Blue Economy potential in the regions.
In closing the Forum, PAM President Pedro Roque (Portugal) shared recommendations for parliamentary actions in the regions, which should aim at increasing economic and financial integration, while promoting the establishment of a Euro-Mediterranean and Gulf Economic Zone and Energy Community.
A number of interventions from the floor contributed to shaping the debate, including very insightful contributions from the delegations of Albania, Jordan, Morocco, Oman, Palestine Portugal and the UAE.
Finally, H.E. Hon. Mayara, the Speaker of the House of Councilors of the Kingdom of Morocco, recalled the importance of the Forum as the steppingstone to reinforce the South-South and North-South Cooperation, and proposed to institutionalize the Fourm, to be held on a annual basis. In this context, the PAM Panel on Trade and Investments represents the ideal platform to promote the much needed economic, financial and energy integration in the Euro-Mediterranean and Gulf regions.//