The President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM), Sen. Francesco Maria Amoruso (Italy), this morning addressed the European Conference of Presidents of Parliament at the invitation of the President of the Norwegian Parliament, H.E. Olemic Thommessen. The conference, dedicated to regional security, the situation in the Middle East and the possible threats to Europe, is being held in Oslo between 11 and 12 September.
President Amoruso is accompanied by PAM Secretary General, Amb. Sergio Piazzi. The PAM delegation will also have a number of high level bilateral meetings with participating parliamentary delegations, among which the Spanish Senate and Parliament, Slovenia and Montenegro.
In his speech, Sen. Amoruso referred to the current situation in the Middle East, focusing on the negative impact of extremisms: “The Middle East, is not, and has not been for a long time, a region in which the unresolved questions are only related to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Unfortunately, lately the conflict zones became larger, with the escalation of violence in Syria and with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, and we all know the consequences, which we all condemn unreservedly”.
The PAM President underscored the active role of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean, and recalled that the Assembly has supported every possible international initiative – including those of the United Nations – especially to protect civilians and to facilitate the supply of humanitarian aid in Syria and, lately, even in Gaza.
“The activity of PAM is the outcome of a constant commitment, carried out through the instrument of parliamentary diplomacy, which today is gathering more and more importance, along with traditional diplomacy”, Sen. Amoruso added.
In the coming weeks, PAM will field a mission to the United Nations, and to Washington, for consultations with the US administration. This will be followed by a mission to the Middle East with visits to Cairo, Gaza, Jerusalem and Ramallah, in order to identify concrete actions to support humanitarian aid and the reconstruction of the infrastructure and housing for the citizens.
Sen. Amoruso recalled that during the last few months, for example, the Assembly was active in keeping an open dialogue between the UN, the European institutions and the Syrian Parliament, in order to re-activate communication channels to support humanitarian assistance and the international mediation.
For PAM, in spite of its regional vocation, what is happening in Eastern Europe between the Russian Federation and Ukraine, which sees the involvement of Europe, the USA and Nato, is another major concern. Sen. Amoruso strongly appealed for extremisms not to prevail, leaving ground for dialogue and negotitions. “As President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean, I profoundly believe that the instrument of parliamentary diplomacy can represent a constructive tool to support moderation and assist the capacity to preserve peace and stability in Europe”, Sen. Amoruso underlined.
He also referred to another issue that all Europe, from the North to the South, has to tackle more concretely, namely the flow of migrants who, exploited by organized crime, cross the Mediterranean in extremely dangerous conditions in order to reach the European shores. “As an Italian, may I refer to the great efforts, including human and financial resources, that my country is doing in controlling, saving and hosting the migrants that reach our shores. Italy, like all other European countries facing the migration phenomenon, cannot and must not be left alone”, Sen. Amoruso commented.
The PAM President concluded his speech by extending his wishes – on behalf of the PAM Bureau and of the member states – to have the courage to fight – through dialogue and democracy – those who want to destroy the civilization that “We have built over the centuries, in order to leave a better Europe and a safer Mediterranean to the future generations”.