Rabat – A PAM High level delegation, composed by Hon. Gennaro Migliore (Italy), PAM President; H.E. Hon. Mohammed Abou El-Enein (Egypt), Hon. Karim Darwish (Egypt), Sen. Alia Bouran (Jordan), Hon. Joana Lima (Portugal), Hon. Pedro Roque (Portugal), Hon. Maryam Majid Bin Theneya (United Arab Emirates), and Sen. Lhou Lmarbouh (Morocco) PAM President Emeritus, and senior members of the Secretariat, visited Morocco on 9-10 May 2022.
On the first day, the PAM delegation met with :
H.E Ryad Mezzour, Minister of Industry and Trade ;
H.E. Sen. Enaam Mayara, President of the House of Councilors ;
H.E. Nasser Bourita, Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates;
H.E. Hon. Rachid Talbi Alami, President of the House of Representatives ;
H.E. Aawatif Hayar, Minister of Solidarity, Social Inclusion and Family ;
Mr. Ahmad Abadi, General Secretary of the Rabita Mohammedia of Oulemas.
The meetings focused on key political and economic aspects of the PAM region, including the implications of the Russian aggression against Ukraine in the Euro-Mediterranean and Gulf region, notably on food and energy security. Discussions also covered regional security, Counterterrorism, Transnational Organized Crime, recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic, Migrations, Climate Change and Dialogue among civilizations and religions. The need for a vision and strategy to render the region autonomous from Russia in terms of sustainable energy production was agreed, as a matter of urgency, by all participants.
On the second day, the delegation met Mr. Chaakib Laalej, President of the General Confederation of Moroccan Enterprises, for further discussions on the region’s economic integration and trade, as, later this year, in December, Morocco will host the PAM’s 1st edition of the “Euro Mediterranean and Gulf Economic Forum” in Tangiers.