Displaced communities, Migrants, Refugees and Receiving populations

-Collective opportunities and challenges  -


21 March 2016



The Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean today celebrates the Mediterranean Day. Aware of the dynamics involved and the responsibilities that our level of civilization demands of us, this year PAM dedicates the Mediterranean Day to all the people of the Mediterranean: to those escaping from conflict and hunger, to asylum seekers, the displaced in their own country, to the citizens of the hosting nations.  


To all these people, we, politicians, have the duty to respond, as well as to define long term policies at the national, regional and international levels, in order to put an end to the root causes, and also fight the destabilising effects of terrorism and violent extremism. 


So that, living in peace on one’s own land, and at one’s own home, will be a universal fundamental right, while leaving, only a free choice.


The Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean will continue its advocacy action among its Member States, and in collaboration with the UN, the EU, and other regional and international organizations, will prioritise a series of events specifically dedicated to migration, intercultural and inter-religious dialogue and sustainable development, to secure growth and prosperity on both sides of the Mediterranean. 


Furthermore, PAM delegates will support and promote these values and priorities at the UN General Assembly’s High Level Plenary meeting on addressing large movements of refugees and migrants, which will be held in New York next September.