Extremism, terrorism, illegal immigration in the Mediterranean, economic perspectives and the effects of climate change in the region were discussed during the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM) Meeting held in Rabat, Morocco, on 26 May 2015. The event was hosted by H.E. Sen. Dr. Mohamed Cheikh Biadillah, President of both the Chamber of Councillors of Morocco and of PAM.
While these issues have been high on the agenda for a long time, they however present a new regional and international scenario which requires a renewed collective impetus in the face of the new challenges posed.
At this meeting, PAM MPs tackled for the first time, in a unified manner, key issues of competence of its three Standing Committees, so ensuring the coherence of the debate and the need for a systematic approach to the developments and prospects for the region.
The MPs were also addressed by a number of high level keynote speakers, among which representatives from the UN Counter Terrorism Services, UNHCR, the European Commission, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Egypt, the European Investment Bank, the International Organization for Migrations, Frontex, the Italian Navy, and the Ministries of the Interior of Morocco and that for the Moroccan Communities living abroad. Representatives of other international parliaments attended as well, among them the Maghreb Consultative Council and the Arab Inter-Parliamentary Union, and also H.E. Rachid Talbi Alami, President of the Chamber of Representatives of Morocco and President of the PA UFM.
The interventions and the debate focused on the present threats by terrorist organisations in the region both on a military level as well as through terrorist action in the area. Reference was also made to the United Nations Security Council Resolution 2178, in particular in relation to what are the mandates, role and responsibilities of national parliaments, and the task entrusted to PAM to that end. Particular attention was also given to the measures required to stop the funding of terrorist organisations as well as the implications of a missing definition of the phenomenon. Delegates also reviewed the present situation in Libya, Syria and Iraq, and they were informed of the recent briefing by the UN Secretary General to the Security Council on the stalemate in the Peace process negotiations between Israel and Palestine, and the humanitarian and financial crisis in the Gaza strip.
On migration, topics pertaining to security, the economic impact, human trafficking and the protection of human rights were discussed in depth, offering a number of qualified suggestions for the work of PAM in this area. The analysis of the phenomenon highlighted the independent functioning of the Eastern, Central and Western corridors used by migrants and asylum seekers to reach the EU.
The meeting underscored the importance of sustainable development, targeted investments, and appropriate social policies, which are considered as key for the stabilisation of the region in the framework of an integrated economic system in the Mediterranean, also keeping in mind the requirements resulting from Climate Change. On the latter, PAM MPs expressed full support to the solidarity campaign “We are all Mediterranean” launched in May by the Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions of Europe held in Palermo, Italy. Furthermore the PAM Bureau Members will attend and contribute to the Medcop 21 Event taking place in Marseille on 4-5 June, in view of the Paris Summit next December.