PAM Parliamentarians to meet in Lisbon, Portugal from 24-26 June 2009



ISSUED ON: 16/06/2009

The Assembly of the Republic of Portugal will be hosting the forthcoming 4th meeting of the Standing Committees of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM), taking place in the capital from 24-26 June.

During these three days, Parliamentarians representing the states of the Mediterranean will debate on many critical topics such as the environment and climate change, issues of gender and equality, terrorism, and the situation in the Middle East. The Rapporteurs will also present their draft reports and resolutions, which they have been in the process of finalizing following the concluding of PAMs Special Task Force and Ad Hoc Committee meetings held earlier this year. These reports and resolutions will be brought forth to the Standing Committees for their endorsement in view of their adoption by the Assembly at its 4th Plenary Session later this year in Istanbul.