The Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM) participated and contributed to the 27th Conference of the Parties of the UN Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the COP27. The Conference, under the Egyptian Presidency, took place on 6-18 November 2022 in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt. PAM was represented by President Hon. Pedro Roque (Portugal).
The Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC is the most important annual environmental appointment at the global level.
This year, Heads of State, Ministers and negotiators, along with climate activists, local governments, private sector and civil society representatives gathered in Sharm El Sheikh to tackle the current Climate Emergency, but also delivering on commitments to finance climate action in developing countries.
PAM President intervened at the High-Level Segment on 16 November 2022, expressing the Assembly’s deepest concern about the current status of the Climate Emergency, and its effects on environment, especially as result of the Russian invasion Ukraine, which is jeopardizing the global energy transition plans.
Despite the agreement reached at COP27 on a “Loss and Damage Fund” for vulnerable countries, which PAM has welcomed, much is yet to be done in the fight Climate Change.
President Roque stressed the need for urgent collective action and recalled PAM’s unconditioned support for the establishment of a comprehensive Climate Solidarity Pact, to be based on a reinforced North-South cooperation, as the only possible solution to mitigate the effects of rising temperatures.
PAM has participated in all the COP meetings since Copenhagen 2009 (COP15), and will continue to support climate negotiations, also in the framework of its cooperation with the UAE, a member country of PAM, which will host the COP28.//