Valencia (Spain), 14 April 2023 – PAM participated in the SocialMed2023 Festival on Human Rights in the Mediterranean, organized under the theme “The end of poverty”, in line with the 1st Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The festival, organised by the Mediterranean Citizens’Assembly Foundation (MCAF) presented artistic creations related to social issues from around the Mediterranean. More specifically, its aims was to highlight the different forms of poverty and social exclusion. The event featured conversations with refugees, presentations of books as well as debates on possible solutions to put an end to poverty worldwide.
On that occasion, PAM was represented by Hon. Pedro Roque (Portugal), PAM President Emeritus, PAM Vice-President and President of PAM 3rd Standing Committee on Dialogue among civilisations and Human Rights.
During the opening ceremony, Hon. Roque expressed concerns over the unprecedented challenges resulting from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The increase in food and fuel prices is hitting the poorest populations, some already affected by war or economic hardship. In the PAM region, over 80% of the population in Syria and Lebanon, 40% of the Libyan population, close to 30% in Palestine and 32% in Egypt currently live below the poverty line.
Hon. Roque recalled that good governance is at the heart of the poverty issue, and parliamentarians have a key role to play in implementing fair policies for sustainable, inclusive and equitable economic growth.
In this regard, PAM, through its Panel on Trade and Investments, works to stimulate job creation. Our Assembly also defends the Universal Health Coverage (UHC), as well as the access to an education for all. Finally, PAM has appointed a special rapporteur on access to water and sanitation who will conduct a comparative study of the situation in the region.
The fight against global poverty is a priority and PAM is therefore ready to continue to work closely with MCAF in order to put citizens and parliamentarians at the heart of anti-poverty policies.//