PAM President 2020-2021

Karim Abdelkarim Darwish


Current Occupations

Member of the Egyptian House of Representatives
Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee
Vice-President of the Egypt Support Coalition (majority coalition in the House of Representatives)
Assistant Secretary-General of Future on Nation Party


Graduate of the German school of Dokki, Egypt 1983
Bachelor of Economics, Cairo University
LL:B degree, Cairo University
Master of Economics, University of London, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS)

Pratical experience

Egyptian Foreign Ministry as a diplomat in the Department of International Organisations from 1988 to 1992, where he resigned as a third secretary
The banking sector from 1992 to 2009 until he became Regional Manager for the Middle East for a number of International and European Banks
Practicing lawyer and legal advisor since 1992. Currently Executive Partner of Internationale Legal Consultants office
Member of the Egyptian Council for Foreign Affairs and many other non-governmental organisations and bodies


Arabic (Mother Tongue)
English: fluent
German: fluent
French: Proficient

Personal data

Date of birth: 1/6/1965
Marital status: Married with three children