PAM President: Peace in the Mediterranean is always at the basis of global stability



ISSUED ON: 04/10/2017

The President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM), H.E. Pedro Roque, accompanied by PAM Honorary President, H.E. Senator Francesco Amoruso, participated at the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly 2017, Autumn Meeting – Mediterranean Forum, held on 3 October 2017, in Andorra.

In his address to the Forum, the PAM President referred to the situation in the Mediterranean region as very worrisome. He mentioned the lack of progress in the negotiations between Israel and Palestine and the military developments in Syria and Libya. One can feel a sense of frustration regarding the incapacity of the international community to act in a coherent way”. Hon. Roque said.

PAM is currently focusing its efforts, acting as a regional platform, to ensure collaboration between the UN Security Council and PAMs national parliaments in the field of Counter Terrorism, Violent Extremism and Radicalization cooperating, also, in this issue, with the Interparliamentary Assembly of the CIS promoting, next November, a joint conference in Saint Petersburg.

Hon. Roque said that at the moment mass migration is both a structural exodus and a time bomb, and not only for Europe. Also, Morocco, Algeria and Egypt are now countries of destination. Thats why, PAM and the Pan-African Parliament, have decided to work very closely to share experiences and strategies to tackle the phenomena in a consistent manner” the PAM President said.

Also, at the personal request of the President of the 72th UNGA, Hon. Miroslav Lajčák, from Slovakia, PAM has committed to contribute to the drafting and negotiations of the UN Global Compact on Migration. To this end, PAM will organize, in Valletta, Malta on 16 and 17 November, in cooperation with the IPU and the Maltese Parliament, an international conference to address Mass Population Movements from Africa to Europe. European and African key players will also participate.

President Roque also invited the OSCE PA to present in Malta the results of a similar conference in Palermo in a few days time, and consolidate them with PAMs in support of the UN General Assembly work.

In his conclusion Hon Roque said that regarding the Mediterranean and its huge problems all the synergies are important because the goals are common and the resources are limited. Thats why cooperation among our organisations must be strengthened.

We must never forget that peace in the Mediterranean is always at the basis of global stability”, the PAM President concluded.