“The Protection of World Cultural Heritage Threatened with Destruction” was the theme of a Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM) international seminar hosted by the Parliament of the Kingdom of Morocco, under the high patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI. The event was held in Rabat, Morocco on 14-15 May 2015.
Among the over one hundred participants, the event saw the participation and contribution of a number of members of the UNESCO Executive Committee, international heritage and legal experts, Euro-Mediterranean MPs, regional parliaments, universities and organisations, among which the League of Arab States, UNESCO, UNODC and ISESCO.
The two-day seminar was opened by Dr. Mohamed Cheikh Biadillah, President of the House of Councillors of Morocco and President of PAM, Mr. Eric Falt, Assistant Director-General for Exterior Relations and public information of UNESCO, and Mr. Abdulaziz Othman Altwaijri, Director General of ISESCO. A minute of silence was also observed by the participants at the news that Syrian military personnel had just been killed by the ISIS terrorists while defending the ancient city of Palmyra.
In his inaugural address, Pres. Biadillah subscribed to the statement by the UN Secretary General, where he labelled the deliberate destruction of our common cultural heritage as a war crime and that the perpetrators must be held accountable. Culture has never been about ideology, and the continued attempt at restricting access to, and appropriating the richness of our past is abhorrent, as being experienced in Iraq, Syria, Libya and Mali. “This is why I urge all of us to take the necessary actions for safeguarding everything that our civilisations have achieved”, the PAM President said. He finally highlighted the close relation between intangible heritage and sustainable development, which should be considered as pillars for stability, security and economic growth in the region.
During the conference, it was underscored that, in addition to the respect by States and combatants for existing international instruments and conventions, there is a need for new methods and strategies to counter this recent trend of terrorism acts against cultural heritage. Furthermore the participants stressed that at the international level, mechanisms should be created to closely monitor the trade of artefacts and consider and treat as criminals the buyers and dealers of stolen archeological vestiges, as well as the use of military capacity as the last resort to defend the most important sites.
The role of education was also raised. The young generations must be formed in order to eradicate the spread of an extremist mentality which facilitates the recruitment of youth to fight with terrorist groups like Daesh.
In view of the recommendations made during the debate, the participants agreed to create a “Special Reflection Group on the Protection of the World Cultural Heritage” aimed at raising awareness among all government and parliamentary organizations and institutions, on the importance of World Cultural Heritage, and to coordinate and harmonize regional and international efforts, as well as strengthening the joint action mechanisms in order to develop policies and legislation to protect this global humanitarian legacy.
In his concluding remarks, PAM Secretary General, Amb. Sergio Piazzi, underscored the role of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean as a unique platform for networking and capacity building among the main actors from the political, legislative and professional sectors. “While no effort should be spared to protect the civilian populations, the international community has also an obligation to safeguard the cultural heritage of mankind, which represents the memory of our long history and the process underlying our current level of civilisation”, Amb. Piazzi concluded.
The seminar also recommended that governments demonstrate the utmost political will, and take joint action, to counter acts of destruction and looting of World Cultural Heritage in many regions of the world, and parliaments were invited to promote in their respective regions and national fora, the provisions of the relevant international conventions, the Resolutions on this matter by the United Nations Security Council, UNESCO, IPU and PAM.