Statement by the

Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean 

on the peace process in the Middle East


The Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM) is strongly committed to the continuation of the peace process in order to achieve political stability in the Middle East through the effective implementation of the two-State solution between Israel and Palestine. 


PAM fully shares the concern expressed by the UN Secretary General regarding Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s intention to annex, if elected, the Jordan Valley and the northern Dead Sea, as a first step to applying Israeli sovereignty over all settlements and other areas in the occupied West Bank.


PAM reiterates its position that a final agreement on the permanent status issues, including Jerusalem, borders, security, settlements and water, can only be agreed upon through direct negotiations between Israel and Palestine, as part of the two-State solution, on the basis of the relevant UN Security Council and General Assembly resolutions, with respect of Palestinian and Israeli interests to which the international community see no alternative.


PAM is deeply committed to the peace process and shall continue to serve as a privileged channel for dialogue between the parliamentarians of both Israel and Palestine.


PAM will continue to do all in its capacity to contribute to the resumption of direct peace negotiations to reach a two-State solution, which will allow for both peoples to achieve their legitimate aspirations and live on internationally respected borders, in peace and security, side by side.


PAM remains committed to supporting Palestinians and Israelis to resolve the conflict on the basis of relevant United Nations resolutions, the Madrid terms of reference, including the principle of land for peace, the Arab Peace Initiative and the Quartet Road Map, as well as in compliance with prior agreements between the Government of Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization.






Naples,16 September 2019