PAM Statement on Women’s Day, 8 March 2012

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM) would like to wish all the women of the Mediterranean a happy International Women’s Day.  

With the wave of change that swept through the shores of the Mediterranean, we commend on the leading role played by women during the Arab Spring, and we take this opportunity to dedicate this day to celebrate women and symbolize their aspirations, not only in the Mediterranean, but around the world. We hope that this year will bring new beginnings, and more stability and prosperity for all.

PAM has been an advocate for Gender issues where women related topics are placed at the center of our Agenda. Within the framework of our 3rd Standing Committee on Dialogue among Civilizations and Human Rights, PAM dedicates every year, through its Special Task Force on Gender and Equality Issues, a new topic which strives to address women’s issues in order to reflect and promote their concerns.

On this special day, PAM reaffirms its commitment to achieving a better future for women, and continues its relentless work to promote gender equality, which is a vital part of making a better future for the peoples of the Mediterranean.