PAM strengthens relations with UN and USA



ISSUED ON: 27/09/2009

A Bureau delegation from the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM) will embark on a mission to New York and Washington, D.C., USA, from 29 September until 2 October. Meetings will be held with senior United Nations officials and high-level members of the United States Congress and Administration. The delegation will be led by PAMs President, Hon. Rudy Salles of France.

The mission falls within the outreach activities of PAM to promote both parliamentary diplomacy and the role of the Mediterranean in international affairs, in addition to further establishing and strengthening relations and cooperation with other leading actors with interests in the region.

On the table for discussion will be issues ranging from the Middle East, the environment, migration, energy and intercultural dialogue, all of which are of critical importance to the Mediterranean community, as well as to the UN system and the United States. The aim of the mission is to introduce PAM, establish closer cooperation and a structured dialogue with the UN and the US and exchange views on these important issues.

In New York, a meeting is scheduled with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon at the organizations headquarters. This will be the second meeting between PAM and the UN Secretary General held this year. Further discussions will be held with the heads of other UN Departments dealing with humanitarian affairs, peacekeeping, the question of Palestine, climate change, and political affairs.

In Washington, talks will take place with US members of Congress on topics ranging from energy to the Middle East. The delegation will also exchange views on the status of the peace process in the Middle East at the White House and at the US State Department.

This mission is the last activity before the 4th Plenary Session of PAM in Istanbul, Turkey, from 23-24 October 2009. During the Session, the outcome of the visit will be presented together with the reports and resolutions of PAMs Special Task Forces and Ad Hoc Committees, which convened throughout the year to reflect on issues relating to the most pressing concerns of the region.