PAM-UNOCT joint high-level virtual event dedicated to "Challenges of the post-territorial ISIL context"

Monday 15, February 2021, 16:00 – 18:00 CET
Livestreaming on PAM YouTube & UN WebTV 

Terrorism remains a persistent and evolving threat, with new and alarming trends continuing to challenge our collective security. In the context of the complex reality of the COVID-19 pandemic, counterterrorism efforts must remain a high priority for the international community and Member Parliaments of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM). Therefore, PAM and UNOCT will jointly co-organize a meeting next Monday dedicated to "Challenges of the post-territorial ISIL context".

The meeting will start with an Opening Session, followed by the virtual signing ceremony of a Memorandum of Understanding between PAM and UNOCT. Featuring presentations by experts and Members of Parliament and an open debate session, the meeting will focus on the prosecution, rehabilitation and reintegration of individuals who may have alleged or actual links or family ties to designated terrorist groups; the threat of terrorist recidivism and improving deradicalization programmes; and the resurgence of terrorist activity in the Sahel.

A dedicated panel will discuss regional cooperation and ways to strengthen it through existing partnerships and new initiatives being launched in the Mediterranean region to enhance our collective counter-terrorism capacity.

The discussions will take stock of the recent work of PAM on counterterrorism and highlight the services which will be available for Parliamentarians through the new UNOCT Programme Office on Parliamentary Engagement in Preventing and Countering Terrorism in Doha, the State of Qatar, as well as UNOCT’s support to States that have repatriated or are committed to repatriating, their nationals from armed conflict zones in Syria and Iraq.

The conclusions and recommendations of the parliamentary meeting will provide a basis to shape a robust UNOCT-PAM plan of action and provide inputs into a report and a resolution that PAM will debate at its next Plenary Session.

When: Monday 15, February 2021, 16:00 – 18:00 CET

Where: Online Via Zoom platform. The event will be Livestreamed on PAM YouTube & the opening will be broadcasted on UN webTV

Twitter hashtag: #UNiteToCounterTerrorism