PAM Vice-President Sen. Halaiquah at the 10th PA-UfM Plenary Session in Jordan



ISSUED ON: 11/02/2014

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM) participated at the 10th Plenary Session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union for the Mediterranean (PA-UfM), which took place at the King Hussein Bin Talal Convention Centre, Dead Sea, Jordan on 8 and 9 February 2014.

The two-day meeting was chaired by the President of the PA-UfM and Speaker of the Lower House of Parliament of Jordan, H.E. Atef Tarawneh.

The plenary session focused on the Middle East Peace Process and the situation of Syrian refugees in Turkey and Lebanon.

PAM was represented by Vice-President and President of the First Standing Committee, Senator Dr. Mohammed Halaiquah (Jordan), who was accompanied by Mr. Mourad Youssry, Deputy to the PAM Secretary General for Assembly Affairs.

Sen. Halaiquah referred to relations between PAM and the PA-UfM in this particular moment, where both parliamentary organizations are committed to support the democratic processes in some Southern Mediterranean countries, and to promote initiatives aimed at stimulating investments and job creation for the youth of the region.

PAM and the UfM have established a collaboration platform through the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding, aimed at the exchange of information and continued dialogue on issues of common interest in the Euro-Mediterranean area.