Parliamentarians to support effective counter-terrorism fight through shared legislation



ISSUED ON: 02/12/2015

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM) participated at the NATO Parliamentary Assembly Joint Seminar, Mediterranean and Middle East Special Group and Sub-Committee on Transatlantic Economic Relations, held in Florence, Italy on 26-28 November 2015.

Honorary President, Senator Francesco Amoruso, Hon. Luigi Compagna, Special Rapporteur on Counter-Terrorism and Secretary General, Ambassador Sergio Piazzi, represented PAM.

Topics discussed during the Seminar included: The Ideological, Theological and Socio-Economic Origins of Jihadist Terrorism; Confronting the Refugee Crisis; Terrorist Financing; Europes Evolving Relations with the Middle East: Managing Threats and Opportunities; Mena Energy Outlook: Economic and Security Dimensions; Challenges Faced by Women in the Mena Region; Libya: Between Statehood and Civil Strife; Iran and the Emerging Regional Order.

In his intervention, PAM Honorary President underscored the important contribution of parliamentarians in aligning national and international legislation to support the effective fight against terrorism, as requested to PAM by the UN Security Council.

Our legislative role, must guarantee to the competent authorities of our countries, the power to investigate, pursue and hand down severe sentences to terrorists, who finance themselves through criminal activities, money laundering and trafficking in drugs, arms, oil, archaeological vestiges, and human beings”, Sen. Amoruso concluded.

The meeting in Florence represented an excellent opportunity for a series of bilateral exchanges and meetings with, among others, the Italian Minister of Interior and Spanish representatives.