Hon. Justyne Caruana, Head of the Maltese delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM) addressed the closing session of the 3rd Euro-Mediterranean Expert Group (Emeg) Meeting “A Frame For A Comprehensive Understanding For Water- Energy -Food Nexus”, held in Malta between 30 September and 2 October 2015. Professor Angelo Riccaboni, the Rector of University of Siena, senior member of the PAM Academic Platform, also participated at the conference.
The aim of the meeting was to develop a Nexus approach as a new framing for the interdependence of water, energy and food and, through a better understanding of the synergies and trade-offs among them, identify the factors research should take into consideration to ensure that demand is met without compromising sustainability requirements. The meeting engaged in developing a comprehensive, multi-dimensions logical frame, based on a thorough understanding of the interconnectedness of water, energy and food leading to a better Nexus analysis, and how it satisfies the sustainability imperatives. The output was a set of recommendations to support the identification of priorities and guide the EC in the design of ad-hoc initiatives/calls addressing the Nexus.
“The issues that have been addressed during this 3rd Euro-Mediterranean Expert Group are very actual, and represent a priority for the Mediterranean region and therefore to PAM”, Hon Caruana said.
PAM has continuously dedicated its efforts to water supply issues, food security and energy, fully aware of their implications for the wellbeing of our citizens and also of their strict correlation with political and social stability.
In her intervention, Hon. Caruana recalled that PAM tackles this issue through the activities of its Panel on Trade and Investments in the Mediterranean, a multi-disciplinary group that gathers, around the same table, parliamentarians and representatives of the economic and financial sector in order to address common challenges by proposing concrete actions to support trade and investments in the region.
As an example of the activities in support of Food Security, the PAM MP mentioned that, on the occasion of EXPO 2015, PAM organized, last May, a parliamentary meeting during which the delegates had the opportunity to see the developments in the re-use of organic waste as a soil nutrient. It is an example of the importance of research and of the application of technology in resource development for a regular and sufficient supply for the needs of the population. The Algerian delegation expressed interest in this process, and they are exploring the possibility of using the same technologies in Algeria, with the cooperation of the PAM scientific partners in Milan. This is an example of how “PAM’s work can contribute to make concrete, significant and encouraging steps ahead on this crucial topic for the stability of the region”, Hon. Caruana added.
PAM is fully aware of the importance of cooperation among the relevant players, and the Assembly considers CIHEAM as a fundamental partner. This meeting, Hon Caruana continued, represents a further step ahead in the activities carried out by PAM within its 2nd Standing Committee dedicated to “Economic, Social and Environmental Cooperation”.
Climate Change is another priority issue for PAM. The Assembly is a party accredited to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and regularly contributes to the efforts of the COP. Even this year, PAM will bring the voice of the Mediterranean parliamentarians to the UN World Climate Change Conference, which will take place in Paris, in December.
The world is going through major changes, reflected also in the Post 2015 agenda, which was adopted a few days ago in New York, on the occasion of the 70th United Nation General Assembly. PAM was present, in its capacity as Permanent Observer to the UN General Assembly, with a high level delegation. This expresses the general commitment of all countries in reaching, in the next fifteen years, 17 objectives aimed at fighting poverty and the huge social differences through paths of economic growth that, at the same time, can satisfy people’s needs and can preserve the environment. Everything needs to be done in a global and integrated sustainability perspective.
“Therefore the hope is that Paris will set another milestone, in this case on Climate Change policies, and PAM is already planning a parliamentary event, in spring 2016, to discuss the implications of the decisions that will be taken in Paris for the Mediterranean region, which is particularly vulnerable to the effects of Climate Change”, Hon. Caruana concluded.