Round table of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM)

"SMEs and Start-ups in the Euro-Mediterranean and Gulf regions: Innovative Solutions for a more vibrant market"

Moderator: Ms Gaja Pellegrini-Bettoli, Journalist

16:00 Welcoming address by Hon. Centemero, PAM Vice-President and President of the PAM 2 nd Standing Committee

16:10 Keynote address by Avv. Michele Cervellini, Director, San Marino Innovation

16:20 Keynote address by Dr. Said El Hachimi, Head of Parliamentary & IGOs partnerships and Outreach, World Trade Organization

16:30 Keynote address by Hon. Frolick, National Assembly of the Parliament ofthe Republic of South Africa ICT Committee Chair– TBC

16:40 Country focus by -Ms. Karla Cherdonnet (France), Economic Researcher, PAM Mr. David Adato (Israel), Political Researcher, PAM Ms. Dania Samaana (Palestine), Political Researcher PAM

17:00 Closing remarks by Ms. Gaja PellegriniBettoli and Hon. Giulio Centemero

Location: Rimini Expo Centre, Italy
Date / Start Date
Fri, 16/06/2023 - 00:20
End Date
Fri, 16/06/2023 – 16:00
2nd Standing Committee