Russian Federation to consider Associate Membership in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean



ISSUED ON: 18/12/2012

Senator Andrei Klimov from the Council of the Russian Federation has confirmed that by the first quarter of 2013, Russia will have decided on how to structure its already ongoing relations with the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean.

Sen. Klimov was in Malta for bilateral discussions with PAM on the invitation of the Secretary General, Amb. Sergio Piazzi. The welcome meeting was also attended by the Speaker of the House of Representatives of Malta, Hon. Michael Frendo, the PAM Special Rapporteur on the Middle East, Hon. George Vella (Malta), as well as the Ambassadors of Russia, Italy, Austria, Tunisia and Egypt to Malta.

The role of Russia in the Mediterranean and in particular in relation to the events in the Arab Spring countries and in Syria, were at the centre of the discussions held at the PAM Headquarters in Malta. To this regard Senator Klimov brought to the attention of PAM the meeting to be held in Cyprus next year, co-organized by Russia, UNIDO and Cyprus, dedicated to the South Mediterranean region – Middle East and North Africa, and to which PAM has been invited. PAMs participation was also encouraged in the Asia-Pacific Parliamentary forum which will be hosted by Russia in the near future.

Amb. Piazzi also recalled that a few days ago PAM President, Sen. Francesco Amoruso, on the invitation by the Chairperson of the IPA CIS Council, Hon. Valentina Matvienko, addressed the opening ceremony of the 38th Plenary Session of the Interparliamentary Assembly of Member Nations of the Commonwealth of Independent States, held in St. Petersburg.

Furthurmore, PAM has already had the opportunity to collaborate with the Russian diplomacy, particularly in relation with the Arab Spring developments, including also on delivery of humanitarian assistance in Syria. The Mediterranean is once again becoming a central phenomenon in affairs influencing continental Europe, the Middle East and also further afar. The centrality of the Mediterranean therefore now needs the active participation of all those actors than can contribute towards the achievement of a more secure, peaceful and stable region”, PAM Secretary General commented.