21 July 2022, Bari – The travelling literary festival “From the shores of the Mediterranean”, organized by the cultural association Porta d’Oriente – Free Development of the Mediterranean, was held at the Palazzo di Città of Bari.
The Porta d’Oriente association has always been committed to the realization of socio-cultural events linked to the world of literature and poetry and promotes development and cooperation among Mediterranean countries.
Given the affinity of the topics covered by Porta d’Oriente and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean, PAM President Emeritus, Sen. Francesco Amoruso, was invited to address the opening of the festival.
In his speech, Sen. Amoruso highlighted the successful collaboration over the years between PAM and Porta d’Oriente, along with the importance of promoting cultural events with the aim to improve integration and create a greater sense of shared identity in the Mediterranean area.
On its side, PAM will always encourage and support cultural initiatives that celebrate the richness of the Mediterranean and the common heritage of the countries and people of the region.//