Statement by the
Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean
on Paris terrorist attacks
The Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM) unreservedly condemns the heinous terrorist attacks that shook Paris and the civilised world Friday night.
PAM expresses its solidarity to the French people, particularly the Parisians in this difficult moment, the Presidents of the two Chambers and the Government, who once again were the target of a vile act of unprecendented violence since the World War II.
On behalf of the populations of the member states, PAM extends its deepest condolences to the berieved families and augurs a full recovery to the rest of the victims injured in these attacks.
Paris and Humanity have been targeted. A coordinated adequate and immediate international response is the expected reaction to bring to an end the terror that is jeopardising the peace of mind and sense of security that populations have achieved with enormous sacrifice.
Malta, 14 November 2015