Statement by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean on Terrorist Attack in the Village of Duma, which Killed Palestinian Child



The Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM) joins the UN Security Council and the European Union in condemning the vicious attack, presumably by extremist settlers, in the village of Duma near Nablus in the West Bank, which killed a Palestinian child and injured other family members. 


PAM extends its condolences to the family for their tragic loss and wishes a speedy recovery to the mother, father and the sibling of little Ali that were also injured in the arson attack.


PAM underlines the need to bring the perpetrators of this deplorable act to justice.


This act further highlights the urgent need for a political solution of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. PAM encourages all sides to work to lower tension, reject violence, avoid all provocations and seek a path towards peace.


PAM reaffirms its full and unconditional collaboration together with the international community in pursuing a negotiated two-state solution for the benefit of both Israelis and Palestinians and the whole region. 



Malta, 1 August 2015