Statement by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean on the Assassination of Deputy Minister Hassan al-Droui



Statement by the
Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean on the
Assassination of Deputy Minister Hassan al-Droui



The Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM) condemns without reservation the assassination of Libyan Deputy Minister for Industry, Hassan al-Droui and expresses its deep condolences to the Libyan Authorities and his bereaved family.


PAM is particularly concerned that such vile acts of violence and terrorism will undermine the transitional process for which many lives have been sacrificed and lost.


The Libyan people deserve to look ahead towards the freedom they have fought for and PAM invites all parties to unite and express their aspirations through dialogue and negotiation and avoid further bloodshed.


PAM reiterates its full commitment and support to the Libyan people and is ready to assist in the furtherance of the process towards elections for an assembly to draft a new constitution.




Malta, 12 January 2014