Statement by the
Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean
on the attack on the French Embassy in Tripoli, Libya
The Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM) expresses its solidarity with the French Republic, the Embassy officials and innocent citizens, who suffered grievous injuries in the brutal blast at the French Diplomatic Representation in the Libyan capital, Tripoli, on 23 April 2013.
PAM condemns without any reserve these acts of terrorism and takes the opportunity to express its support also to the Libyan authorities in pursuing their declared commitment to establish the rule of law in the process of democratization of the country and to bring to justice the perpetrators of this attack.
PAM stresses once more the need for strengthened and structured cross-border cooperation in the fight against terrorism, and will continue to do so in full collaboration with the international community.
To this effect PAM will be having bilateral consultations in the near future with the UN Security Council Counter Terrorism Committee in New York, to further coordinate actions and legislative processes among the Assembly’s Member Parliaments.
Malta, 23 April 2013