Statement by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean on the critical situation in the

Statement by the
Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean
on the critical situation in the Region



The Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean wishes to extend its full support to the resumption of direct contacts between the Israelis and the Palestinians under the auspices of the United States of America. PAM invites all parties, direct or indirect actors on the Peace Process platform, to give this important step forward towards a new round of negotiations and confidence building, a fair chance to succeed for the benefit of both populations.

Furthermore, PAM is deeply concerned over the events taking place in Syria, Egypt, Libya and Tunisia. The democratic processes and the aspirations of the citizens must be safeguarded and guaranteed through the rule of law and in respect of those who gave their lives for the process of freedom and democracy to begin.

The Arab Spring cannot be sacrificed in the name of power and intolerance and all voices raised by the citizens must be heard and considered on equal terms.

PAM continues to monitor the situation and to coordinate its parliamentary diplomacy network to further raise awareness on the need of  dialogue, cooperation and assistance at the political and humanitarian level.




Malta 20 July 2013