The Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean wishes to express its support to the Parliament of Greece, its members, and the Greek population, in this particular period of difficult decisions that are being taken. The financial and economic situation in Greece, a member state of PAM, is of particular concern not only to the Greek citizens, but to the region’s community as well. Most countries are facing internal and external pressures to manage with rigor and equity the national finances and to implement concrete actions for the sustainable development of the national economies.
Parliamentarians in the region are called upon to adopt policies aimed at improving their national expenditure, debt control and economic growth, while at the same time safeguarding the livelihood of the families within a framework of a balanced approach to the national needs.
The current situation calls for a common effort, and National Parliaments, together with their Governments, have an important role to play, based on a sense of responsibility, realistic considerations and past experience.
Malta, 13 February 2012