The Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean condemns the escalation of violence on the border between Gaza and Israel, and calls on all parties to refrain from any military activity that could exacerbate the situation. PAM commends the efforts by the Egyptian authorities to mediate and insists that the Middle East Peace Process must not be derailed since the solution lies only around the negotiating table, where the aspirations of both Israelis and Palestinians will be met.
PAM also expressed its concern on the clashes between armed opposition and Syrian security forces within the Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF)- supervised area of separation with Israel, on the Golan Heights. For the first time since 1973, Israel retaliated to artillery over spilling in the territory under its control. PAM urges Syria and Israel to respect their mutual obligations, and halt firing of any kind across the ceasefire line, in order to avoid any possible and unwarranted escalation of hostilities.
Malta, 12 November 2012