Statement by the
Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean
on the escalation of violent incidents
in Jerusalem and the West Bank
The Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM) is deeply concerned over the latest surge of violent acts in various neighbourhoods in Jerusalem and subsequently in other areas in Israel and the West Bank, involving both Israeli and Palestinian civilian casualties. PAM calls on all parties to use their influence to end immediately the ongoing rise of violence in the area and avoid use of force.
Once again, PAM unequivocally condemns all violence, and calls on all leaders to refrain from inciting a further dangerous escalation of the confrontation, especially among and against the civilian population.
Furthermore, the Assembly underscores the importance to safeguard the religious rights of all faiths and to respect Jerusalem’s Holy sites for Christians, Jews and Muslims. As His Majesty King Abdullah II of Jordan said at the UN General Assembly, “Leaders of every country, every belief, every neighbourhood, need to take a clear and public stand against intolerance of any kind. This includes respecting all places where God is worshipped, whether mosque, church, synagogue or temple”.
PAM reiterates its position that a just and lasting solution to the conflict can only be achieved through the internationally proposed two-state solution. The only way forward in to resume, with an honest approach and a true sense of good will, the Peace Process negotiations.
PAM also expresses its full support to the Middle East Quartet initiatives. As recently as 30 September, in a meeting in New York, on the occasion of the 70th UN General Assembly, the members of the Quartet reaffirmed their steadfast commitment to achieving a two-state outcome that meets Israeli security needs and Palestinian aspirations for statehood and sovereignty, ends the occupation that began in 1967, and resolves all permanent status issues in order to end the conflict.
Following the Quartet’s agreement to consult other stakeholders from the international community, whose constructive contributions can assist in advancing a comprehensive peace, PAM reaffirms its full and unconditional collaboration in pursuing a negotiated two-state solution for the benefit of both Israelis and Palestinians and the whole region.
Malta, 8 October 2015