Statement by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean on the occasion of the terrorist attacks in Brussels



Statement by the

Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean

on the occasion of the terrorist attacks in Brussels



On behalf of the President, the members of the Bureau, and all member parliaments, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM), expresses its profound shock and unreserved condemnation of the criminal terrorist attacks that shattered the city of Brussels, the heart of Europe and its institutions, and its population.

Europe is under siege and every positive step in the contrast to extreme terrorism is challenged with further terror and violence. Europe and the Mediterranean States of good-will must increase their cooperation in the long term fight against the wave of an uncivilised trend to destabilise the normality of civil society, which is living in a continuous state of emergency. PAM parliamentarians will not shy away from their responsibilities and will continue to advocate in their constituencies the values of peaceful coexistence, solidarity and dialogue.

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean takes also the opportunity to convey its condolences to the national authorities and relatives of the victims, and wishes a fast recovery to the injured.


 Malta, 22 March 2016