Statement by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean on the terrorist attack in Lebanon

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM) while condemning in the strongest terms the terrorist attacks in Qaa, Lebanon, on 27 June, it expresses its condolences to the victims, families and the Authorities of the country.


The escalation of terrorism acts and violence in countries bordering Syria, such as Jordan and Lebanon, call for more coordination and increased efforts by the international community to work, together with the relevant authorities of these countries, for a common objective in securing peace and stability for the populations of the region. 


PAM will continue to work through its parliamentary diplomacy network to create bridges among the different souls of the region, to support all initiatives aimed at promoting the rule of law and the respect of UN resolutions and recommendations, so as to fight the scourge of destabilisation which does not benefit anyone except, warlords, criminals and terrorists. 



Malta, 28 June 2016