Statement by the
Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean
on the terrorist attacks in France, Kuwait and Tunisia
The Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM), on behalf of all national member parliaments, expresses its unreserved condemnation of the terrorist attacks of 26 June 2015 against the chemical factory in Saint-Quentin-Fallavier, France, the bomb attack in a Shiite mosque in Kuwait City, Kuwait, and the gunmen attack on a Hotel Resort near Sousse, in Tunisia.
The Assembly extends its condolences to the families of the victims and expresses its sympathy to the injured in these heinous attacks, as well as to the Governments and Parliaments of France, Kuwait, Tunisia, and other countries whose citizens have lost their lives or were wounded in the terrorist attacks.
The Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean calls on all Governments and Parliaments to step up measures to combat terrorism, and challenge with determination and courage all criminal and unjustifiable threats to international peace and security.
In particular, PAM reiterates that the Mediterranean countries needs to take a strong and common stand against the multiple terrorism threats that are jeopardizing the livelihood, the wellbeing and the political, economic and social development of many of the region’s citizens, while at the same time, as it has already been experienced in the Bardo and Sousse attacks in Tunisia, foreign citizens, enjoying the traditional hospitality and culture of the Mediterranean, end up as innocent targets of extremist criminal attacks.
Furthermore, PAM calls on all the international community to strengthen cooperation and collaboration to combat those fanatics whose only objective is to sow terror, death and destruction without distinction.
Malta, 26 June 2015